Margate Civic Society
"The love of our town leads us"
The Society's purpose and aims are to encourage high standards of architecture and town planning in Margate and its environs; to stimulate public interest and care for the history and character of the area; and to encourage the preservation, development and improvement of features of general amenity and historical interest.

To this end, Town Pride awards are given annually to those buildings which have been refurbished, cleaned or modified and which, in the opinion of the Society, have enhanced the appearance of the town.  New high-quality buildings are also eligible for the award.  This year's winners can be seen on the "Town Pride" page of this site.

New members of the Society are always welcome.  If you are interested in joining, please fill in the enrolment form at this link and send it to the Treasurer, Mike Wilton, at the address shown on the form. Please note that you will need Adobe Reader or a similar PDF reader to view this form; if you don't already have it, you can download a free copy of Adobe here.

If you are a UK taxpayer, you can help the Society by filling in a Gift Aid form, which means that the Society can claim from HMRC 25p for each £1 of your payment, at no cost to yourself.  The Gift Aid form is at this link, please fill it in and send it to Mike Wilton with your enrolment form.  Thank you.

Subscription rates for annual membership for 2023/24 are as follows:
Note: Paper means that a black and white printed copy of the Newsletter will be delivered to you.  Email means you will have a full-colour copy emailed to you which you can view on screen or print.  Junior membership is for under 18s

For the growing number of people who use internet banking, we can now offer the facility of membership payment by electronic transfer. 
Please transfer the appropriate amount to:

Sort Code:               60-02-32
Account number:     99666928
Account name:        Margate Civic Society

If you are asked to provide a reference name, please use your surname.  When you have completed the transfer, please send an email to our Treasurer, notifying him of your payment, along with your name, address, telephone number, email address and amount of payment.  The email address is

You can pay your subscriptions by PayPal if that is convenient for you.  Please use the email address

Margate Civic Society
"The love of our town leads us"
About us and how to join us

Individual (Paper)


Individual (Email)




Joint (Paper)


Joint (Email)




Junior (Paper)


Junior (Email)




